Before you can take your company to the next level, you need to take your thinking to the next level.
Einstein said, “We can’t solve our problems at the same level of thinking that created them.”
And we can’t grow our businesses or capture more market share or create more sales growth at the level of thinking that has gotten us, or is keeping us where we are now.
Rarely is the key to breakthrough growth simply doing more of what you are doing now.
That means that we have to think and act differently.
And there is the rub.
Thinking differently means we have to challenge our assumptions about what creates success in our market; it means we need to rethink our products, our marketing, our approach to sales, and much more. Even more importantly, it means we need to ACT differently.
It’s easy to say. It’s hard to do.
After 20 years in business, I’m convinced that much of the best breakthrough thinking is born of a mindset. A core commitment to continuously raise the performance bar – combined with a flexible mindset that looks for opportunities, then rapidly experiments, adopts or abandons.
I’ve seen brilliant men and women fail. On the other hand, I’ve seen men and women of average intelligence win because they kept their minds open, they challenged industry-think, they tested, they adapted and then started the whole process over again.
The market is not static. Your thinking cannot be either.
The best Executives I’ve met understand this at the cellular level. It’s wired into their genetic code. The worst hunker down and cling to “What Is.” They lose.
Take a look around. What have you or your organization done differently in the last 3-4 months? If the answer is, “Nothing” then I urge you to take a hard look at your market, your products, your services, your marketing, your sales processes and ask, “What if?”